Simple popup

Popup with title and text

Icon popup

Popup with title, text and default icon

Personalized icon popup

Popup with title, text and personalized icon

Image popup

Popup with title, text, icon and image

Unclosable popup

Popup with title and text that you can't close

Popup with custom content

Popup with only custom content

Popup with external custom content

Popup with only external custom content (from another page)

Popup with custom size

Popup with title, text and icon that have custom size (width/height).

Popup with different animations

Popup with title and text that have different open/close animations.

Popup position

Popup with title and text that is positioned on top of the page
and use the 'bubble' animation.

Popup overlay

Open three simple popups concurrently that have different closing animations.

Popup background color

Popup with title, text and different background color.

Popup title/text color

Popup with title and text with different colors.

Popup with custom border radius

Popup with title and text and custom border radius.

Popup with custom font

Popup with title and text with custom font.

Popup without close button

Popup with title, text and without close button.

Popup without background

Popup with title, text and without background.

Popup with auto-close timer

Popup with title and text. It will close in 3 seconds.

Popup with custom speed animation

Popup with title, text and custom speed animation.